Dave in Australia

I've now left Malaysia... I had an absolutely awesome time... words can't describe... I loved it soo much! In australia with my good friend Jonny now, visiting him in the University of Western Australia for a couple of weeks before heading home...

Friday, July 28

some photos...

I've got a bit of time on the computer so I'm going to try to upload some photos for you all to look at from our trip to KLCC (the centre of Kuala Lumpur - we learnt quite quickly that saying we've been to visit KL and expecting people to understand exactly where we've been and what we've done is a bit like telling someone that you went to visit London and expecting them to know where you've been and what you've done). We went with Kelvin and three of his friends (from left to right in the first photo: TY, Elsie, Todd, Car Leng and Me - Kelvin took the picture)

That will have to do for now, I've been sitting here for ages and I'm getting a little bored... I'll put some more up when I get the chance (click on the photos to enlarge them)


At 6:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pics - it looks like you all had a good time. You are so tall compared with everyone else!

How did the Alpha course go?

Dad and I are off to Jersey for the weekend - hopefully we'll keep up with you from there,

love Mum

At 8:12 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice fish!

At 10:59 pm, Blogger dave said...

The alpha was ok, we had about 15 people there of which maybe 6 weren't Christians, unfortunately 4 of them left before the video, but they said they might come for the whole thing next week...

We're going to Melaka for the weekend (Malaysia's most historic city), me, todd and a guy from the philapines called JR... I'll post about alpha and the trip and everything else when we get back on Sunday evening

At 12:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dave man seeing that picture makes me realy miss ya. I sound like such a bender. Who are your malaysian friends they seem nice? Plus did it ever occur to you those towers were rather phallic? Maybe it's just my dirty mind. 15 at alpha man that's amazing! If i ever saw 15 people at a small group i think i'd slap myself to make sure i was not dreaming. Hey good news andbad news on your end. Marlon Harewood ain't gonna join ya but the good news is Wayne Bridge probably will maybe for as low as 2 million! Not in Malaysia I mean at Newcastle and not you personally but Newcastle united football club. Carrick signed for Man U! Stupid Tottenham he's their best player by a clear mile!
Give my love to your Malaysian friends for me.

Oh P.S What is E.T short for?
Because he's got little legs!

At 2:12 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


We're at the Kelly's in Jersey having a fab weekend. Sara is going to leave you messages as well.

Enjoy the weekend

love Mum

At 2:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I went to a castle with everyone. Uncal Andrew got chose to set of the canon at the castle. We also lost him on the beach

from Sara

At 2:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Uncle Andrew went chasing the seagulls but he came back eventually. I went to Elizabeth Castle today and Uncle Andrew kept hiding teddy. Teddy has got a police t shirt on.

Love from Izzy

At 2:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi I like the picks of the fish.I hope you like Malaysia

Love Sara

At 4:26 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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